We have lots to learn from the poor.
Spend sometime with children who have only the clothes on their back, and it will change you.
Pray with people who literally depend on God for their very sustenance, and you’re prayers will change too.
Before United Pursuit was a band, we were friends who spent a summer in Mozambique, 2006 with Iris Ministries. If you haven’t heard about Iris, you need to go pick up a book called “There’s Always Enough” – Its the story of Heidi and Rolland Baker moving to Mozambique, and their ministry to the orphaned and poor. This isn’t your typical missionary story. Its a radical journey of faith, that started with picking up one orphan on the street, and has turned into rescuing hundreds and hundreds of kids of the streets, as well as planting 5000+ churches all through Mozambique, and now spreading into different African nations. Amazing stories of miracles have become “normal” – food multiplying, the blind getting sight….amazing! We saw it with our own eyes. Needless to say, we were VERY impacted by our time there.
After spending the summer in Mozambique, we definitely came home with an “anything is possible” mentality. That’s when we bought a old house, turned it into a studio, and started capturing the songs that God put in our hearts, many from Mozambique. (Come Away for example)
It was in Mozambique that we found our “why”.
Why we believe what we believe.
Why we do what we do.
Lately, our “what” has become music. But our why is much deeper. Seeing the Kingdom of God explode among the poorest of the poor has changed us, and given us more vision, more purpose. Our why is the gospel of the Kingdom going to the nations, and to find our part in God’s story. Music is part of the overflow for us.
What’s exciting is that our music world and our heart for missions and supporting the poor is connecting. Brock Human, one of the artists involved with United Pursuit, is also on staff with Iris Ministries. He’s married to the founders daughter, and has been commissioned by them to help raise awareness/support for Iris Ministries. So that’s what were doing!
January 1st is the official iTunes release date of our first partnership album with Iris Ministries. Its called “Found”, and 100% of the proceeds go to supporting Iris. This is our first non-profit project, and we are PUMPED about it. The album was masterminded by Brock, and Will contributed vocals to 3 of the songs. Musically, its melodic, ambient goodness.
So we’re asking for your help spreading the word!
1. Download the two free tracks from www.noisetrade.com/unitedpursuit and share it with your friends via facebook/twitter.
2. Purchase the album on iTunes on Jan. 1st and tell your friends (change your facebook profile picture Jan. 1st for the day if your an overachiever:)
3. Buy the book “There’s Always Enough” and get inspired by what God is doing in the nations.
4. stay updated with Iris at www.irismin.com
5. consider being a regular Iris supporter.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? You’re “why” does. And if you don’t have one, you don’t like getting up.
Finding your why, defines your how. How will I pursue my passion and dreams?
Your answer will be your “what” . You’re what can change from year to year, but your why doesn’t.
As followers of Christ, we must know our why. We must be people led by conviction for the greater story, the story of God, the story of God giving His son a bride. May we be people who are led with great purpose, full of great passion, fueled by great vision. Not for us, but for His glory.
Find you’re why, then find you’re tribe. Don’t look back.
May we be people who are poor in spirit, hearts in dependence and surrender to Jesus for everything.